Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Backtracking: 2006 - Palawan Trip

Ok, since I just recently signed up for this blog, pretty much the only way to fill this up is to take a blast from the past. So let me back track to the time I somewhat got enlightened that photography may have some future in me... or rather the other way around. LOL.

Our team at work won the 2nd place from an internal competition set by the management, and the prize is an all-expense paid trip and accommodation to Palawan. Yey! As mentioned from my previous blog, I never had a digicam of my own. So I borrowed my auntie's Canon A410 3.2MP digicam during this trip.

Here are some of my snaps back then...

My friends and family thought that I have an 'eye' for photography upon seeing how I can come up with these outputs... and I am glad to have come up with such impression. They're not the best images out there, but with zero knowledge about photography composition and with just a measely digicam, I was able to produce shots photos.


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